A greeting from the President
Maria Papamarkou
Maria Papamarkou


The Board of Directors

The Lykeion ton Ellinidon is a non-profit organisation. Its highest-ranking authority is the General Assembly of Regular Members who are up-to-date on their financial subscriptions.

The LtE is directed by a Board of Directors composed of 17 Members, who are elected by secret ballot at the General Assembly every four years.

The current Board of Directors was elected by the General Assembly on 27th March 2024 and was organised as follows:

President Maria Papamarkou
First Vice President Maria Kotsou
Second Vice President Julia Aretaiou
General Secretary Katerina Daskalaki
General Treasurer Katerina Polydorou
Ephor of the Section of Finances Lemonia Pamfili
Special Secretary Maria Petrea
Ephor of the Section of National Traditions & the Folklore Archive Zoi Stamatoukou
Ephor of the Section of National Costumes Iliana Thymiopoulou
Ephor of the Section of National Dances Maria Papamarkou
Ephor of the Section for Women’s & Children’s Issues Aglaia Robokou
Ephor of the Annexes Section Maria Papamarkou
Ephor of the Hellenism Abroad and International Relations Section Maria Kotsou
Ephor of the Literary & Library Section Fofi Razi
Ephor of the Public Relations Section Evi Karasavvidou
Ephor of the National Costumes Workshop & Arts & Crafts Section Elena Katopodi
Ephor of the Music Section Maria Nasopoulou
Ephor of the Art Section Amalia Markatzi
Ephor of the Section of Rhythmic Exercise Maria Kalyteraki
Ephor of the Section of Maintenance & Social Events Myrto Mysirli
Ephor of the Bureau Section Lemonia Pamfili
Ephor of the Historical Archives Section Amalia Markatzi
Ephor of the Section for the Environment Evi Karasavvidou