The LtE, right from the beginning of its foundation set a series of goals, focusing mainly on the improvement of women’s social status and on the preservation and promotion of folk traditions.
Within that context several activities took place, many of them with long-term targets, some lasting until today. In these two fields of action the LtE was a pioneer and one of the few organizations engaged in such activities.
At the same time, it responded, whenever necessary, to Greece’s call in times of war during the first decades of its existence. Therefore, it goes without saying that the LtE was often awarded honorary distinctions both by public and private sector institutions, in Greece and abroad.
Specifically, during the 1920’s it received awards having to do with its commitment to the Greek traditions, while in the 1930’s medals and distinctions were awarded to its Presidents (Callirroe Parren, Anna Triantafyllidou, Chryssoula Kallia) as well as to the Lykeion as an institution.
Beginning in the 1960’s the collection of awards had to do with distinctions of the Dancing Group in festivals and other international appearances.