National Costumes Workshop & Arts & Crafts Section
A few words
The National Costumes Workshop and Arts and Crafts Section makes men’s, women’s and children’s costumes from different parts of Greece, based on patterns, motifs and designs of garments from the LtE ‘s museum collection.
Furthermore, the section focuses on the operation of the LtE ‘s Shop and on the creation and promotion of objects copied from the LtE’s museum collection.

Historical archives of the LtE
Establishment of the LtE’s Shop (Arts and Crafts Section), opposite Lykeion’s Central Building, at 17, Demokritou Street. ERT Archive

Christmas event held by the Section in December 2017

From the section’s annual tea in 2018, with speaker Asimina Deliou: "Jewels in Greek traditional society. Symbols and traditions"
If you wish to contact the Costumes Workshop, please send an email to the following email address: