Special collection Clothing & accessories from the pandemic period
Directly after the lockdown imposed on 12th March 2020 due to the coronavirus, the CMLE began to collect items that represent the pandemic era and reveal how social distancing changes daily life, clothing, and fashion.
Following a request made using the hashtags #CollectingCorona and #Collectingthepandemic, the CMLE’s collection acquired objects that mostly include personal protective equipment, woven fabrics and jewellery created during lockdown and isolation, etc.

Fabric face mask. Created by Atelier Loukia, 2020. CMLE, Accession No. 16726. Donated by Atelier Loukia. Photo: Fotis Plegas.

Detail of patchwork depicting traditional shadow-puppet character Karagiozis as a coronavirus doctor. Created by Mairili Harami, 2020. CMLE, Accession No. 16787. Donated by M. Harami.

Baby girl’s onesie with a matching face mask, by Greek company YELL-OH!. CMLE, Accession No. 16797/1-2. Donated by Eleni Tsaldari. Photo: Studio Kominis.

“Stay at Home”. Woven tapestry-data visualisation. Work by Maria Varela, 2020. The motif of the weaving was made by encoding confirmed cases from the first to the 83rd day since the SARS-Cov-2 virus appeared. CMLE, Accession No. 16697. Donated by Maria Varela.

Trikini “swimwear”, consisting of a bikini complemented by a face mask, with a matching beach bag, by Calzedonia, 2020. CMLE, Accession No. 16798/1-4. Donated by Lemonia Pamfili. Photo: Studio Kominis.

Broom – a ritual object in the traditional weddings of Thrace – decorated with charms inspired by the Ministry of Health’s campaign #menoumespiti (we stay home). Created by Iosifina Sechlidou, during the quarantine period of 2020. CMLE, Accession No. 16796. Donated by Iosifina Sechlidou. Photo: Hara Dendia.