Responding to a plea from the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the LtE appealed to its Annexes to collect signatures in support of peace.

Επιστολή του Κεντρικού ΛτΕ προς τα Παραρτήματά του. ΙΑΛΕ
Letter from the LtE Head Office to its Annexes. Historical Archives of the LtE

A Children’s Theatre was formed by the Section of Children’s Brotherhood.

Θεατρική παράσταση από το τμήμα Παιδικής Αδελφοσύνης. ΦΑΛΕ 10617
Theatrical performance by the Section of Children’s Brotherhood. Photo Archive of the LtE 10617
Εξώφυλλο του προγράμματος της παράστασης «Το παραμύθι της Βιολάντως» (28/12/1931). ΙΑΛΕ
Programme cover for the play “Violanto’s tale” (28/12/1931). Historical Archives of the LtE

Purchase of a building to house the LtE on the corner of 25 Acadimias Street and 6 Amerikis Street (the Galati residence).


The Folk Dance Group travelled abroad for the first time, and participated in the Hellenic Product Fair in New York, organised by the Hellenic Product Promotion Society. The Folk Dance Group was trained by pioneering choreographer and dance teacher Koula Pratsika.


The Stadium Festival took place on 25th June, with new themes including recreations of “Sowing Wheat in ancient times” and “The cledon ritual in the modern Greek age”.

Από την αναπαράσταση του μύθου της Δήμητρας και της Περσεφόνης κατά την εορτή του Σταδίου. «Εικοσιπενταετηρίς του Λυκείου των Ελληνίδων 1911-1936 – Πεντηκοαεντηρίς της δράσεως της ιδρύτριας και προέδρου αυτού Καλλιρρόης Παρρέν 1886-1936», Αθήνα [1937], σ. 13
From the recreation of the myth of Demeter and Persephone at the Stadium Festival. “Twenty-five years of the Lykeion ton Ellinidon, 1911-1936 – Fifty years of work by its founder and president Callirrhoe Parren, 1886-1936”, Athens (1937), p. 13
Το εξώφυλλο του προγράμματος. ΙΑΛΕ
The programme cover. Historical Archives of the LtE

The Mothers and Educators Section founded Night Schools for illiterate mothers.


In May, the LtE participated in the celebrations for the “centenary of the capital of Athens in the Theseion”.

The LtE participated in the festivities for the “centenary of the capital of Athens in the Theseion”. ERT Archive

Participation in the celebrations at the Stadium and the Acropolis for the 40th anniversary of the revival of the Olympic Games, on 2nd December.

Participation in the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the revival of the Olympic Games. ERT Archive

The Lykeion moved to a privately-owned building at 14 Dimokritou Street (the Chroussaki residence). This remains the LtE’s headquarters to this day.

Το κεντρικό κτήριο του ΛτΕ φωτογραφημένο το 2002 από τον Β. Καραβασίλογλου
The LtE headquarters, photographed in 2002 by V. Karavassiloglou

A 16-strong folk dance group took part in the events for Balkan Week in Constantinople (15th-22nd October). The LtE also participated in the next event of this kind in 1937.

Μεταξύ άλλων διακρίνονται κάτω: Διονύσης Θάνος, Καίτη Γεωργαντά, Ιωάννα Δεκάζου-Θάνου, Μιχάλης Σταθόπουλος. Πάνω: Γερακάρη, Ζαννέτ Κωνσταντινίδη, Φωκάς, Αθηνά Ταρσούλη (πίσω), Σοφίκα Μιχαηλίδου (μπροστά) και Γιάννης Τσαρούχης. ΦΑΛΕ
Visible among others, in the bottom row: Dionysis Thanos, Katie Georganta, Ioanna Dekazou-Thanou, Michalis Stathopoulos. Top row: Gerakari, Zannet Konstantinidi, Fokas, Athina Tarsouli (back), Sofika Michailidou (front) and Yannis Tsarouchis. Photo Archive of the LtE

The 25th anniversary of the Lykeion and the 50 years of Callirrhoe Parren’s “cultural and social career” were celebrated on the 24th and 25th May in the function room of “Parnassos” Literary Society, at the “Maxim” centre, and in the LtE’s own rooms.

Η Καλλιρρόη Παρρέν παρακολουθεί την προς τιμήν της εκδήλωση στην αίθουσα του Φιλολογικού Συλλόγου «Παρνασσός». Εφημερίδα Ελεύθερη Γνώμη 25/5/1936, ΙΑΛΕ
Callirrhoe Parren watches the event in her honour in the function room of “Parnassos” Literary Society. “Eleftheri Gnomi” newspaper 25/5/1936, Historical Archives of the LtE
Εφημερίδα Ακρόπολις, 26/5/1936
“Acropolis” Newspaper, 26/5/1936

The LtE took part in the Festival at the Panathinaikon Stadium and in the handover ceremony for the Olympic Flame at the Acropolis for the Berlin Olympics. At the opening ceremony of the Games, young women from the Lykeion appeared in Berlin Stadium in traditional costumes.

Φωτογραφία από γερμανική εφημερίδα με τμήμα της ομάδας του ΛτΕ που συμμετείχε στις εκδηλώσεις των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων του Βερολίνου. ΙΑΛΕ
Photo from a German newspaper, with part of the LtE group that took part in the Berlin Olympics performances. Historical Archives of the LtE

A group of 50 young women, under the supervision of Anna Triandafyllidou, represented Greece, during the Berlin Olympics, at the World Congress for the Entertainment of the Working Classes in Hamburg.

Απόσπασμα δημοσιεύματος του Κωστή Μπαστιά. ΙΑΛΕ
Excerpt of an article by Kostis Bastias. Historical Archives of the LtE

Festival at the Theatre of Epidavros on the occasion of the International Congress for Comparative Pathology.

Historical Archives of the LtE

Publication of an album to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the LtE and the 50 years of Callirrhoe Parren’s work.

Historical Archives of the LtE

Young women from the LtE participated, “as classical statues brought to life”, in the celebrations for the centenary of the University of Athens at the Acropolis in April.

ΦΑΛΕ 10609
Photo Archive of the LtE 10609

The Academy of Athens presented the LtE with the Emmanouil Benakis prize, “for their work on educating the illiterate”.


Callirrhoe Parren was given the title of “honorary Lifetime President of the Lykeion”. Vice-President Anna Triandafyllidou took on duties as acting president.

Festival at the Stadium on 15th May, the proceeds of which were donated to the Air Force.

Το πρόγραμμα της εορτής (1)
The festival programme (1)
Το πρόγραμμα της εορτής (2)
The festival programme (2)
Το πρόγραμμα της εορτής (3)
The festival programme (3)
Το πρόγραμμα της εορτής (4)
The festival programme (4)

Passive air defense classes took place in the LtE’s rooms.

Δίπλωμα του Σχολείου Παθητικής Αεραμύνης Νοσοκόμων, που λειτούργησε στον χώρο του ΛτΕ το 1938 και το 1939. ΙΑΛΕ
Certificate from the Passive Air Defence School for Nurses, which took place at the LtE premises in 1938 and 1939. Historical Archives of the LtE

Following the start of World War II in Europe, a Committee for the Care of the Soldier was convened at the LtE, with the aim of knitting woollen goods “for the guards at the borders”. The goods were sent to the organisation Fanella tou Stratiotou (The Soldier’s Undervest).

Το πρώτο «πλεκτικό» τέιον στις 10 Οκτωβρίου 1939. Εφημερίδα «Βραδυνή», 11/10/1939, ΙΑΛΕ
The first “knitting” tea meeting on 10th October 1939. “Vradyni newspaper”, 11/10/1939, Historical Archives of the LtE

Death of Callirrhoe Parren. Anna Triandafyllidou was elected President.

Έργο της Θάλειας Φλωρά-Καραβία
Painting by Thalia Flora-Karavia

Woollen goods for Fanella tou Stratiotou were knitted during Tuesday tea meetings.

Σκίτσο της Θάλειας Φλωρά-Καραβία για την κατασκευή μάλλινων ειδών στο χώρο του ΛτΕ μετά την επιστράτευση του 1940, κεντρικό κτήριο του ΛτΕ
Σκίτσο της Θάλειας Φλωρά-Καραβία για Sketch by Thalia Flora-Karavia of woollen goods being crafted at the LtE, after the mobilisation of 1940. LtE headquarters

After Greece entered World War II, the sections of the LtE adjusted their activity. For example, the Mothers Section put on soup kitchens for the children of conscripts and had members visiting the families of conscripts, while members of the Young Ladies Section corresponded with soldiers on the Albanian front.

«Αγαπητές Ελληνίδες! Γράμματα από το αλβανικό μέτωπο προς το Λύκειον των Ελληνίδων», Αθήνα 2019, σελ. 379
“Dear Greek women! Letters from the Albanian front to the Lykeion ton Ellinidon”, Athens 2019, p.379
«Αγαπητές Ελληνίδες! Γράμματα από το αλβανικό μέτωπο προς το Λύκειον των Ελληνίδων», Αθήνα 2019, σελ. 95
“Dear Greek women! Letters from the Albanian front to the Lykeion ton Ellinidon”, Athens 2019, p. 95

The National Costumes Wardrobe’s most valuable garments were stored in the vaults of the Ionian and Popular Banks for safekeeping. They were returned to the Lykeion in 1941, when the threat of bombing was over.


The Section of Care for the Soldier developed varied activity during the war: Volunteer nurses from the LtE served at the Zappeion Military Hospital, sheltered conscripts’ families in Kallithea, and taught the children of conscripts, while the collaboration with Fanella tou Stratiotou continued and “civilian clothes” for the returning soldiers were gathered. Meanwhile, the Professional Trade section began teaching soldiers who had been blinded in the war.

Για την ενίσχυση των μαχομένων στο αλβανικό μέτωπο, η Άννα Τριανταφυλλίδου παρέδιδε μαθήματα αισθητικής ανάλυσης και ερμηνείας κειμένων της αρχαίας ελληνικής γραμματείας. ΙΑΛΕ
To raise funds for those fighting on the Albanian front, Anna Triandafyllidou taught classes in the aesthetic analysis and interpretation of ancient Greek literature. Historical Archives of the LtE
Εθελόντριες νοσοκόμοι, μέλη του Λυκείου Θεσσαλονίκης, φωτογραφίζονται το 1941 μαζί με την προϊσταμένη τους Άννα Αλευρά (γ. Χρουσάκη), η οποία υπήρξε μαθήτρια της Άννας Τριανταφυλλίδου, κοσμήτωρ και αργότερα Αντιπρόεδρος του ΛτΕ. ΙΑΛΕ
Volunteer nurses, members of the Lykeion in Thessaloniki, are pictured in 1941 with their supervisor Anna Alevra (née Chroussaki), who was a student of Anna Triandafyllidou, a proctor, and later Vice-President of the LtE. Historical Archives of the LtE

The Lykeion building hosted a soup kitchen run by the City of Athens for children of preschool age, and another run by the Red Cross for breastfeeding mothers. The Mothers section and the section of Children’s Brotherhood also distributed milk and other goods to destitute children, while care for war invalids continued.

Επιστολή της Επιτροπής Περιθάλψεως Αναπήρων του Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού προς το ΛτΕ. ΙΑΛΕ
Letter from the Invalid Care Committee of the Hellenic Red Cross to the LtE. Historical Archives of the LtE

The "Kolonaki Station" was run by the Organisation for Social Support in the LtE’s building.

Ευχαριστήρια επιστολή προς το ΛτΕ. ΙΑΛΕ
Thank-you letter to the LtE. Historical Archives of the LtE

The LtE’s building was commandeered so that around 150 residents of Piraeus who were displaced by bombings could be housed for three months (January-March).

Επιστολή του ΛτΕ προς την Επιτροπή Στεγάσεως στην οποία αναφέρονται οι ζημιές του κτηρίου και οι απώλειες υλικών. ΙΑΛΕ (1)
Letter from the LtE to the Housing Committee, detailing damage to the building and missing materials. Historical Archives of the LtE (1)
Επιστολή του ΛτΕ προς την Επιτροπή Στεγάσεως στην οποία αναφέρονται οι ζημιές του κτηρίου και οι απώλειες υλικών. ΙΑΛΕ (2)
Letter from the LtE to the Housing Committee, detailing damage to the building and missing materials. Historical Archives of the LtE (2)

The LtE joined the Liberation celebrations. On 18th October, 150 young women in ethnic costume took part in welcoming the Hellenic government to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, while another group of four young women from the LtE framed the raising of the flag on the Acropolis. This event has been repeated every year since, and members of the Lykeion ton Ellinidon Folk Dance Group continue to participate.

Περιοδικό «Αέρα», τχ 72 (Κάιρο, Νοέμβριος 1944), ΕΛΙΑ
“Aera magazine”, issue 72 (Cairo, November 1944), Hellenic Literature and Historical Archive
Επιστολή-αίτημα του Δημάρχου Αθηναίων προς το ΛτΕ. ΙΑΛΕ
Request by letter from the Mayor of Athens to the LtE. Historical Archives of the LtE
The LtE joined the Liberation celebrations (1944). ERT Archive

The Lykeion Head Office and Annexes returned to their normal operations.

Αναμνηστικό δίπλωμα που απονεμήθηκε στα μέλη του ΛτΕ τα οποία συνέδραμαν με διάφορους τρόπους κατά τον πόλεμο του 1940-41. ΙΑΛΕ
Commemorative diploma awarded to LtE members who contributed in various ways to the 1940-41 war. Historical Archives of the LtE
Από τον πρώτο ελεύθερο εορτασμό της εθνικής επετείου της 25ης Μαρτίου 1945. Κορίτσια του Λυκείου μπροστά στη Βουλή. ΙΑΛΕ
From the first post-Liberation celebration of the Greek Independence Day on 25th March 1945. Young women from the Lykeion in front of the Parliament building. Historical Archives of the LtE

A bust of Callirrhoe Parren was unveiled in the Lykeion building on 3rd November. The bust, made by Eleni Georganti, a sculptor and founding member of the LtE, had remained under wraps since its completion in June 1942 and for the whole duration of the Axis Occupation.

Historical Archives of the LtE

The Committee for Solidarity with Soldiers and the Committee for the Care of the Soldier resumed their action. Members of the LtE offered humanitarian help for the duration of the Civil War.

Μέλη του ΛτΕ κατά τη διανομή πασχαλινών δώρων σε τραυματίες του εθνικού στρατού, στο 403 Στρατιωτικό Νοσοκομείο τον Απρίλιο του 1949. ΙΑΛΕ
Members of the LtE distribute Easter gifts to wounded soldiers of the national army, at the 403 Military Hospital in April 1949. Historical Archives of the LtE

The LtE took part in the celebrations at the Panathinaikon Stadium, on 7th July, for the return of the Dodecanese islands to Greece.

Κορυφαία της πομπής, κρατώντας δάφνινο στεφάνι, η Ευδοκία Τσάκωνα-Κόγγου. ΦΑΛΕ 12105
Evdokia Tsakona-Koggou leads the procession, holding a laurel wreath. Photo Archive of the LtE 12105

The first postwar "Great National Festival" was held on 8th July at the Tennis Club, with a harvest theme.

ΦΑΛΕ 11498
Photo Archive of the LtE 11498

The monthly magazine Hellenia, The Voice of Greek Women (in English) was published by four women’s collectives based in the LtE building.


The LtE played a leading role in enrolling women onto the voting registers.

Following maintenance and extension work on the Lykeion building – to designs by Solon Kydoniatis – the renovated hall was opened on 4th December.


As part of its national action, the LtE adopted the village Akritas in the Kilkis region (130 families), in response to a plea by Filoi tou Choriou (Friends of the Village).

Φόρτωση κιβωτίων με εφόδια έξω από το κτήριο του Λυκείου τον Απρίλιο για τους κατοίκους του χωριού Ακρίτας. ΙΑΛΕ
Crates of supplies for the Akritas villagers being loaded outside the Lykeion building in April. Historical Archives of the LtE

The LtE took part in the opening of the Wine and Vine Fair at the Zappeion in August.

Εφημερίδα Εθνικός Κήρυξ, 27/8/1950. ΙΑΛΕ
“Ethnikos Kyrix”newspaper, 27/8/1950. Historical Archives of the LtE

The Hellenic Army General Staff awarded the Medal for Exceptional Acts to LtE President Anna Triandafyllidou. By decision of the Board of Directors, a copy of the medal was given to members of the LtE who worked in hospitals and on committees.


Continue your journey to the first 100 years of Lykeion ton Ellinidon