1951 - 1970
Rhythmic gymnastics lessons began, taught by Maria Hors.
The LtE participated in organising the first “Panathinean Games” at the Panathinaikon Stadium, on 16th August.
The LtE organised “a lovely celebration” in honour of the delegates of the International Tourism Conference at the King George hotel.
Dance performance at the Herodeion in honour of Yugoslav ministers visiting Greece.
The LtE hosted, in Athens, the 12th Congress of the International Association of Lyceum Clubs, of which it is a founding member.
An event took place in the LtE rooms in honour of the first Greek female Member of Parliament, Eleni Skoura.
Petition to the Ministry of Education to register the authenticity of traditional dances and costumes, as part of a campaign against the falsification of the authentic character of Greek dances and costumes.
Postcards with traditional costumes were printed.
The Folk Dance Group of the LtE took part in the Ankara Festival, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Balkan Pact.
In June, at the Athens Tennis Club, the LtE organised “dance shows”, recreating ancient and traditional dances from different regions of Greece. The Choir and Orchestra of the National Radio Foundation provided music for the event.
A celebration was organised at the Grande Bretagne hotel on December 20th.
On 5th May, the LtE submitted a complaint to the leaders of Europe and America and to foreign women’s organisations (along with the women’s groups they collaborated with) about England’s denial to recognise “fundamental rights of free expression of opinion and self-determination” for the Cypriot people.
Members of the LtE took part in the collection on 20th October “to support the self-determination of our subjugated Cypriot Brothers”. For the duration of the Cypriot War of Independence (1955-1959), the LtE supported the fight of Greek Cypriots in various ways.
For a second year running, a craft exhibition took place, and was visited by the first Greek female Government Minister, Lina Tsaldari. In 1957, two such exhibitions took place, in May and December. This led to the creation of a permanent exhibition at the Arts and Crafts Shop in 1960.
The first Panhellenic Annexes Conference took place in April, with the participation of 15 Annexes and the Sydney Office, which had been founded a few years earlier.
Members of the LtE joined in welcoming Cypriot Ethnarch Makarios to Athens.
Performance at the Royal Theatre on 6th May. The programme included two dance-dramas by Maria Hors: “Lament” and “Demons and Storms”, as well as a showcase of traditional dances and costumes.
The LtE established a prize for the winner of the javelin throw at the 12th Panhellenic women’s games.
Anna Triandafyllidou resigned the presidency, for heaLtE reasons. Vice-President Maria Momferratou was elected as the new President.
Foreign wives of diplomats formed the committee “Friends of the Lykeion ton Ellinidon”, under the aegis the department of Foreign and International Communication. This institution has undergone changes but still exists today.
The LtE published a collection of fairy tales from Macedonia by Anna Triandafyllidou, with the title “Other Times. Tales of Macedonian Life”.
The Laskaridios Literary Competition was established, following a legacy donation by Irini Laskaridou.
UNESCO and the Ministry of Education sent congratulatory letters to the LtE for its contribution to the long fight against illiteracy (Mothers and Educators section).
Death of Anna Triandafyllidou on 12th July.
Dance performance at Hilversum in the Netherlands.
The Arts and Crafts Shop was created opposite the LtE headquarters, at 17 Dimokritou Street.
The LtE took part in events for “Greek Week” in Helsinki.
The Academy of Athens awarded the LtE the silver medal for 50 years of operation.
The LtE celebrated 50 years of operation in May, with events at Literary Society “Parnassos” and in the Lykeion’s own rooms. On 13th May, at the “Olympia” theatre, D. Giannoukakis’s play “The eternal Greek woman” was presented. Actor Aleka Katseli played Callirrhoe Parren. A show titled “Aegean culture ritual” had been previously presented.
Dance performance at the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne in September.
President Maria Momferratou died on 18th August. Chryssoula Kallia was elected as the new President.
Dance performance at the King George hotel, with the title “In the circle of the dance. Greece and foreign countries” (28th February).
Show of woven dresses at the King George hotel, by the LtE’s Permanent Craft Exhibition, with the support of the Ministry of Industry.
First dance performance by the LtE at the Herodeion, as part of the Athens Festival.
The Folk Dance Group participated in the Greek National Tourism Organisation’s event held in Copenhagen on 28th October.
The Folklore Archive was established. Its first field trip was held on 19th April in Euboea.
Dance performance at the Herodeion, as part of the Athens Festival (16th September).
The Momferratios Literary Competition was announced, in memory of Maria Momferratou.
The Koutlidios Prize for folklore research was announced.
The LtE took part in the first post-war Olympic Flame lighting ceremony in Olympia, ahead of the Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Dance performance at the Herodeion on 22nd September, as part of the Athens Festival.
The LtE participated in the Festival of National Traditional Dances in Skopje (31st July-5th August).
The LtE began its collaboration with the Greek National Tourism Organisation, with 12 shows in as many cities in Greece (May-July). The collaboration was repeated in 1966 with 7 shows and in 1967 with 10 shows.
The Folk Dance Group took part in the International Folk Dance Festival in Dijon (2nd-9th September), and won second prize (the “Silver necklace”).
A traditional dance seminar was organised for physical education teachers, with the approval of the Ministry of Education. Teachers from rural schools took part.
The Folklore Archive gained new premises in an office at 25 Skoufa Street.
Dance performances by the LtE in the Swiss cities of Zurich, Bern, Geneva, and Lausanne, from 28th March to 4th April.
The Folk Dance Group took part in the International Folk Dance Festival in Dijon, for the second consecutive year, and once more won the second prize (“Silver necklace”).
The Folk Dance Group took part in the “Demetria 1966” events in Thessaloniki. For this performance, Lefteris Drandakis took on the teaching of the Folk Dance Group for the first time.
Dance performance at the Herodeion, as part of the Athens Festival (6th August).
The Folk Dance Group took its first transatlantic trip, to Canada and the USA. They performed at Expo 67 in Montreal (5th-10th September), at the Town Hall in New York on 12th September, and in a United Nations amphitheatre.
Chryssoula Kallia was “dismissed” from the presidency of the LtE by order of the junta regime. Vice President Agni Diamantopoulou took on presidential duties.
The LtE took part in the World Folklore Festival at the Olympic Games in Mexico.
For the third consecutive year, the Dance Group took part in the International Folk Dance Festival in Dijon.
Fortnightly dance shows took place for the TV channel of the National Radio Foundation’s Experimental Station, with dances from different areas of Greece and the titie “The Lykeion presents”.
Exhibition of the LtE’s handicrafts in the hall of the National Organisation for Hellenic Arts and Crafts.
The City of Athens awarded the LtE “a diploma and medal for more than 25 years of voluntary action in the field of philanthropic and social endeavour”.
Dance performance at the Herodeion, as part of the Athens Festival (27th July).
The Folk Dance Group won first prize at the 12th Festival of National Dances in Susa, Italy (20th September).
Chryssoula Kallia was restored as President of the LtE.