1971 - 1990
A series of dance performances began at the “Aliki” theatre, as part of the Greek National Tourism Organisation’s programme for foreign visitors (4th November 1971-31st March 1972).
The Folk Dance Group took part in celebrations “on the occasion of the anniversary of Athens being declared the capital of the Greek state”. Greek National Opera, 30/9/1971.
The Folk Dance Group took part in, and was awarded at, the third World Folklore Festival in Gorizia, Italy.
The Folk Dance Group took part in the English Bach Festival, with a performance at the Royal Albert Hall.
The Folk Dance Group performed at the Herodeion on 27th July, as part of the Athens Festival.
The Arts and Crafts Section organised an exhibition at the National Handicraft Organisation’s premises (18th September).
Thε 19th Congress of the Αssociation of Lyceum Clubs was held in Athens from 26th to 30th May.
The LtE sent a protest resolution on the Turkish invasion of Cyprus to the members of the International Association of Lyceum Clubs. At the same time, it published its protest to other organisations, while also collecting money for the island’s refugees.
The Lykeion, as the oldest women’s organisation in continuous operation, took part in events for International Women’s Year.
The Prefecture of Attica commended the LtE on its continuing action in the fight against illiteracy.
The Folk Dance Group took part in the programme of the Greek stand at the Canada International Fair by invitation of the Greek Greek National Tourism Organisation (20th June – 6th July).
Release of the first vinyl album, titled “Traditional Music. Dances and Songs. Naoussa, Macedonia, and Lemessos, Cyprus” LCGW 101, edited by Foivos Anogiannakis. This first music release was followed by many others.
The Folk Dance Group performed in Alabama (Greek Week, celebration of 200 years of American Independence).
The Folk Dance Group took part in the Greek National Tourism Organisation’s events as part of the Canada International Fair (23rd July – 2nd August).
Dance performance at the Kotopouli Theatre, as part of a series of events by the ρGreek National Tourism Organisation.
The Folk Dance Group took part in the Festival of Flanders.
The Folk Dance Group performed at the Royal Festival Hall in London.
Agni Diamantopoulou was given the title of Honorary President, and Aspasia Iliaskou was given the title of Honorary Vice-President.
The Lykeion ton Ellinidon organised the first Panhellenic Festival of Traditional Dance, under the aegis the Greek National Tourism Organisation, at the Lycabettus Theatre. 31 Annexes took part (9th-15th July).
The Dance Group took part in the English Bach Festival (5th May, Royal Festival Hall).
Dance performance at the Panathinaikon Stadium, as the Olympic Torch Relay came through Athens.
Dance performances at the Teatro Romano in Verona (1st to 5th July).
Apprearances by the Folk Dance Group in Hannover as part of the Hannover Messe International Industrial Trade Fair (1st to 9th April).
Dance performance on the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the International Olympic Academy.
The Folk Dance Group appeared in the French cities of Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes, Paris, Rouen, Lille, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Lyon, and Marseilles, under the aegis of the Greek National Tourism Organisation and with support from the Bank of Greece (5th to 22nd February).
Members of the Folk Dance Group presented the medals to the winners of the “Golden Marathon” in the Panathinaikon Stadium.
Dance performance with 300 dancers, as part of the opening ceremony of the World Transplant Games at the Panathinaikon Stadium (27th August).
Death of president Chryssoula Kallia on 10th March. First Vice-President Ioanna Zaimi became the new president.
Establishment of a literary competition in memory of Anna Triandafyllidou, with a prize of 50,000 drachmas.
Dance performance at the Olympia Theatre on 19th March.
The LtE participated in the Olympic Flame lighting ceremony in Olympia, ahead of the Los Angeles Olympic Games.
The building at 7 Dimokritou Street was bought in November. Today it houses the Costume Museum of Lykeion ton Ellinidon and the Shop.
Dance show at the National Theatre with the title “Dances and songs from around Greece” on 20th October.
Dance participation in events for SOS Children’s Villages in Ludwigshafen, Germany in November.
Participation in the Olympic Flame lighting ceremony and torch relay for the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics.
Dance performance at the National Theatre with dances and songs from around Greece on 30th November.
The third Panhellenic Conference of the Lykeion ton Ellinidon took place in Athens with the theme “The study and use of the LtE’s folklore and costume resources”. 36 Annexes and 5 Bureaus abroad took part (29th November to 3rd December).
The Costume Museum of Lykeion ton Ellinidon was opened by the Minister of Culture, Melina Merkouri. An exhibition entitled “The evolution of Hellenic costume” was presented (8th March).
Tota Valinaki is elected President.
The “Friends of the Lykeion ton Ellinidon” society is founded in May, with Professor Yannis Zervas as President.
After a gap of 22 years, the Lykeion ton Ellinidon Bulletin started being published once more on an annual basis. It continued to be published until 2011.
Publication of an LtE wall calendar, themed around Emile Lester’s photo collection.
The LtE Folk Dance Group won First Prize at the Mallorca World Folk Festival in Palma in April, out of 54 groups from 26 countries.
Dance performance at the Greek National Opera to celebrate World Red Cross Day (8th May).
Dance performance at the Herodeion, with the title “Songs and dances from Greek folk rituals ” (22nd September).
The Art Section organised its annual exhibition in December in the hall of the Literary Society “Parnassos”, with 121 paintings by 21 of its students. Many of the paintings were sold.
A tabletop Calendar of the LtE was published, with the theme of headdresses in regional Hellenic costumes. Tabletop calendars with costuming themes continued to be published until 2010.
On 30th and 31st March, dancers participated in the “Dallas World Salute”, organised by the City of Dallas to celebrate 2500 years from the founding of the Democracy of Athens.
Participation in the Taipei Dance Festival (19th–25th May).
Dancers participated in “European festivities – Dublin street carnival”, as part of the summit of the 12 members of the EEC in Dublin (23rd–24th June).
The first Panhellenic Meeting of Ephors and Dance Teachers of the LtE was organised, with the topic “Dance and its dissemination”. This event took place every two years, with the first being followed by another eight.
The section for Women’s and Children’s Issues organised a tea at the Hilton on 26th November, with a presentation of costumes from the LtE’s collection, from ancient times until 1910, followed by a fashion show by six fashion houses.